Pratul Venkatesh Pratul Venkatesh

Harmony & Waves

A poem inspired by a fascination for the nature of chance encounters, long distance friendships, romantic infatuations, and the most peculiar of all, love.

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Pratul Venkatesh Pratul Venkatesh

“Dream,” I said | The Box of Life

Poetic Pratul is back in the house! WOOT WOOT. Aya don’t mind me, some insomniac nights my hyperactive brain overworks to produce inspired penmanship - here are two essays from such nights..

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Pratul Venkatesh Pratul Venkatesh

All About Communication

Communication as a new priority in education, how to invest towards it and a new tool - AI CEO Journal…

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Pratul Venkatesh Pratul Venkatesh

Being Content with Oneself

People seem to have lost the ability to just be able to sit down with themselves and think. People find it weird when they see someone just sitting by themselves deep in though. It looks strange I admit, but…

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