Grew up in Bengaluru, India. Studied Electronics Engineering (bachelor’s) in NTU Singapore. Moved to and worked in USA for 6 months during my undergraduate degree in a semiconductor start-up in Silicon Valley (near San Francisco.)

Currently working towards a social start-up GEODHA (geodha.org) towards tracking and providing data analytics on various community challenges. Useful step towards any progress in society/economy, where ensuring resiliency and reliability in ground infrastructure such as water, electricity, roads, cleanliness, communication and more, is a critical first step. I can provide many examples for this.

My long term dream and aspirations for my career are to work towards electricity resilience and advancements towards nuclear fusion and space exploration.

I like programming, physics and philosophy, but constantly explore and have many different hobbies.

I like to write about a lot of things - inspiration strikes at the most unexpected places - for e.g. a visit to a cat cafe inspired me to write a piece on the current dating culture in society - however often times too much for me myself to keep up with the number of unpublished writing works I have. Got to start somewhere though!
I also like to collect useful pieces and nuggets of information which you may find in the other sections of the website.

My primary offering - my blog. I will be talking about a lot of things. Why do I do value your time though, my style of writing is to always try and suggest resolutions and ensure there may be something for everyone to takeaway, never to leave someone with a feeling “ah jeez well I spent time reading that but what’s the point.” I strive to ensure this doesn’t happen and hope you may find something useful and worth your time on this blog :)

All my writing works and all content on this site is original and written entirely by me (unless referenced and specified.) While I’ve made all the information public and ideas free to share with no licensing - hope you may consider crediting me so my works may reach out to more people. Why do I write and do this? I hope to meet people with similar mindsets and to grow knowledge. Maybe we could collaborate on different writing works and I could be your copywriter. The aim is to create a repository of knowledge. And by expressing myself, I hope to inspire others to be able to express themselves. If you are looking to create your own website, let me know! I can help you set-up a very low cost, ad-free and simple website that is great especially when prototyping and starting out (and what I did for an entire year before making this website.) -> A lesson in that, always good to make a just the critical features barebones lowest cost prototype as the first task in any venture - great for testing, testing content and fit.

The Most Important Messages I Want to Share With Everyone

*cough cough Pratul’s 10 Commandments ahem*

    • Music - Dance

    • Food

    • Stories - Film/TV/Novels

    • Athletics & Fitness

    • Pursuit of knowledge- Science, discovery, learning and travel. Meaning of life - Purpose - Spirituality.

    • Community & Family - Entertainment, society and fitting in.

    • Routine, Home - Whitespace. Nature.

    • Procreation & Kids

    This is an essential list. What else is there do in life? What makes a life worth living? The difference between a small company and a big one, is that the big one provides opportunities for it's employees to enrich themselves in these areas mentioned in the list. For e.g. free food, cultural events, company library, parental leave, etc. The employee feels like actually living rather than a mundane robot like cog in the machine.

  • The three concepts are deeply connected and intertwined, and cannot be clearly distinguished, but note that they are not inherent of each other. People of a certain religion develop cultures and practices, but it is not inherent of the religion. All religion leads to spirituality, but spirituality has no religion. I think this is an important distinction needed.

  • Two approaches for dealing with addiction. The first is understanding what is happening: "Smoking is Awesome" by Kurzgesagt

    The second is more meditation. Many forms. Even suggested in AA groups. Helps the brain think more rationally.

  • Even if you feel that the waste management in your city mix up the waste in the end - still do it. Especially segregation between dry and wet waste as there are people who sort through the waste and your mixed waste bag is not making their lives any easier. Secondly mixed waste most often is burnt due to economical constraints - more emissions and climate change.

    Growing more plants is one of the best ways to improve air quality in your home and city.

  • I suggest squats as it works out the entire lower body and is one of the single best mobility exercise that needs no gym equipment. Any long-term leg pain, squats was the one exercise that solved it for me. Apart from that, the mobility enhancements from stronger legs is simply amazing - being able to hike and trek easily, dancing all night long, running feeling like gliding effortlessly, and more. If you already do squats and some exercise, go further and make it harder. How to do so? The following is a great guide:

    How to do squats from any fitness level?

    Our body needs water for everything. Drink a lot of water especially in between meals and before going to sleep. Especially if you have congestion and snoring, just drinking water before going to sleep is life-changing. Think about it, if you were awake for 5-8hrs you'd naturally drink water in between, but that's not happening when you are asleep for that many hours.

    A lot of people panic over headlines of certain food item being dangerous for our health. Many times though the risks are present only if consuming the food item excessively or without a balanced diet. While food safety and regulation is essential, a healthy body that eats every in moderation will be able to continue to stay healthy, by the body's natural healing ability and can thus sustain even having a few health points temporarily knocked off.