I hope to add recipes from my mom here. She learnt the recipes from her grandmother, and over time curated and added her own style to it as well. I realized there is so much value in her knowledge, and something which I just cannot find a guide for as a new generation, so am worried about culinary knowledge dying out. So I started this section in my site to work towards preserving and sharing it. I am grateful to my mom, who has curated and refined such a vast collection of recipes that we’d never get bored of the food at home - and as she has recipes from various different cuisines - North Indian cuisine, South Indian cuisine, Western, and more. P.S it’s all vegetarian!

Additionally I will add some of my own recipes as well, especially of things that are amazing and super simple to cook, along with tips on how to get into the practice of cooking, where to start, etc.

Stay tuned! This section is a work in progress.