“Dream,” I said | The Box of Life

“Dream,” I said

If I dream of leading the universe then I will be a good leader for the world.

If I dream of leading the world then I will be a good leader for the country.

If I dream of leading the country then I will be a good leader for the state.

If I dream of leading the state then I will be a good leader for the city.

If I dream of leading the city then I will be a good leader for the neighbourhood.

If I dream of leading the neighbourhood then I will be a good leader for the house.

If I dream of leading the house then I will be a good leader for myself.

If I dream of leading myself then I will be a good leader for the soul, nurturing the essence of God that it contains, whose existence spans the entire universe.


The idea behind this writing piece is how the bigger picture always helps put things into perspective. One who pushes themselves to be capable and deserving of leading a broader entity will perhaps have a higher capacity to solve problems, and thus making them more qualified for solving problems at the relatively smaller scale. Over a large breadth the skill gap widens, though the pattern seems to hold when considering just consecutive entity scales.

When I think of how to solve a big problem, for example how to solve a country’s challenges, in time I allocate enough space in my mind to have a broader perspective comprehensive to the country, and while potentially I could help solve them, if now I consider just one state’s challenges it seems simpler in comparison, and I feel more confident and optimistic considering that I mentally prepared to handle much larger challenges anyways.

Then I thought let me continue this pattern. Who is a good leader for the country then? Perhaps someone who thinks not just about their country, but about the well-being of the world. In the other direction, one may expect a neighbourhood leader to be quite good at managing their house right? If someone knew the challenges of a community – say waste management practices – then hey they’d know about changes they need to start making from their house itself.

If someone is capable of running an entire house, I believe they’d be quite good at handling themselves – health, exercise, and all. And when you can handle yourself well, and take care of yourself, then you are also nurturing and nourishing your soul. Here the analogy gets a bit vaguer and spiritual, and with views up for debate – but hey spirituality is something everyone realizes in some capability and extent, at some point or the other in their lives. Spiritual practices generally seem to have an inward introspective perspective. So, it appeared to fit in this pattern. Through nurturing your soul, and the essence of God that it contains (whose existence if it spans the universe,) the inward sight may thus lead to and present love for universe. I sound hippy, though I remain inspired. Hope it made you wonder too.

The Box of Life



Harmony & Waves


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